ELA and Phonics
This week we will slowly begin to talk about adverbs. An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, or can describe another adverb.
The underlined word is the adverb. The bold word is the word is describes.
Describing a verb - The boy walked slowly.
Describing an adjective- She is very good at math facts.
Describes another adverb- He ran very quickly.
We are working on suffixes in phonics. These are things we have incorporated into ELA in the past, so it should be pretty easy for the kids.
Phonics Rules to Think About for This Week:
1. To make a word plural, add -s or -es.
We choose -es when the base word ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z.
Any other time we use s, unless its irregular.
2. We add -ing to a verb to show it is happening now.
We add -ed to show it already happened.
3. We add -er to an adjective to compare two things.
We add -est to an adjective to compare two or more things.
We are continuing to study story elements.
Your child has a book report due on Friday, November 9. It is a project all of second grade is doing together. Directions were sent home in the binder today, as well as a rubric on the back.
I will be incorporating story elements, adjectives, and Thanksgiving themes all together over the next couple of weeks.
We will have a math test on Wednesday. I sent home a review today. Please have your child turn this in on Wednesday.
Social Studies
This week we will be learning the 5 regions of Georgia. Today we learned the names of the regions, and this week we will work on characteristics of the regions.
I had the children snap a map of Georgia with the regions into their MOOSE binders to look at with you at home.
Ms. Perlman Updates
I will be out the following dates:
Thursday November 8 (APS New Teacher Workshop)
Monday November 12-Thursday November 15
(Focused on Phonics Workshop)
These are required workshops for various teachers. Thank you for your patience in my absence. I am leaving some good activities for ELA and lesson plans for math and social studies with a good sub who is a retired educator.
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