I hope everyone is having a good weekend and staying healthy!
A lot of germs and coughing were floating around our room this week!
Here is a look into next week.
We have been starting to build multiplication skills by learning ways to show multiplication. Arrays, equal groups, and repeated addition are all ways for kids to see what it means to multiply.
We will have a test on Chapter 6 on Tuesday. I plan on doing the review in class on Monday. I will send the completed review home with them to look over and practice with you.
Keep in mind that Everyday Math spirals, so our tests not only cover tidbits of what we learn in the chapter, but the tests also cover previously taught skills.
Our areas of focus have been dictionary skills, ABC order, and possessive apostrophes.
A note on possessive apostrophes...
Common Core curriculum teaches putting an apostrophe after an "s" a bit differently than when we were children.
Here is how I am teaching it to the class. I am doing it based on Common Core's standard.
Singular without an "s":
The cat's paws were black.
Singular with an "s":
The class's performance was about the Revolutionary War.
(The apostrophe goes after the s, and we follow it with another s.)
The boys' restroom is very messy.
Right now we are working on "R-Controlled" vowels.
This past week we studied words that have "ar" and "or". We are able to recognize what sounds they make. We practiced this in centers and in class using Fundations and a story called Pirate Mark.
Next week we will focus on "ir", "er", and "ur", which all make the same sound.
Please keep in mind when studying for spelling tests with your child that previous trick/red words will show up in the dictation sentences. All previously taught trick/red words are listed on the planner, so please be choosing some to review each week at home.
Making Inferences is our current reading strategy.
This week I am going to have them practice this by giving them a situation everyday that they are to record on a chart, and then they make an inference using that situtation.
I will give a quiz on making inferences late next week.
I will resume reading groups the week of February 18. I am currently conducting SLO assessments on each individual student during reading group/center time.
Social Studies
We have finished our unit on matter in science, and we are moving back to social studies.
This week we are going to talk about being a good citizen, people in our community that help our citizens, and our duties as citizens, including voting when we are adults and following laws.
I have arranged for police officers from the APD to come visit second graders on Wednesday to talk about being a police officer and the importance of following the law. This will be a great way to involve the community in our lessons!
We might even get to go see the cop car!
Elections are another topic we will visit. The students will listen to two electronic characters give election speeches, and we will list talking points that each character presented on a class chart.
The students will get their chance to vote for either character.
Valentines' Day
I am sending home information for Second Grade Valentines' Day on Monday with the homework planner.
Please plan on helping your child create a Valentines' Day mailbox to bring to school on Thursday. This can be made using either a brown paper bag or a shoebox.
If you plan on having your child distribute Valentines on Thursday, it is required to have one for each student in the class. Please check your child's Valentines to make sure they have only written kind messages on each. I will send home a class list on Monday to make sure you have each child's name.
Second graders are doing a Guess My Baby Picture game on Thursday. Please send in a baby picture of your child in an envelope with their name on it. Please send this by Wednesday so I can have them ready before Thursday morning.
Thanks for all you do!