Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly Updates February 22

Here is a look into what we are working on in second grade!


Chapter 7 in Everyday Math is all about patterns and rules. Patterns in counting, including multiples of ten, doubling numbers, and halving numbers all are skill sets that support higher math operations.

Next week we will introduce finding the median (middle number) of a set of data and making frequency tables, line plots, and bar graphs.

We will test on Tuesday, March 5.

After we test, we will introduce fractions in chapter 8.


Our big focus has been using apostrophes. We have practiced using them to show possesion and to create contractions.
The kids have now become contraction-happy and are trying to put contractions on anything ending in an "s" whether it belongs there or not. :)

This week we introduced irregular past tense verbs. These are past tense verbs that you do not add "ed" to in order to make it past tense. The kids seem to have a good grasp on this.

We are working with vowel teams that say the long a sound next week: ai and ay.

Social Studies
Next week we are continuing our civics unit with Martin Luther King, Jr.
We have studied rights, responsibilities, elections, being a good citizen, segregation, and Jackie Robinson.

We are working on informational writing still. We are doing how-to writing.
We have been practicing this week, and we will do a how-to piece next week.

American Hero Project
Directions will be going home on Monday for the second grade American Hero project.

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