Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unit 2 Math Test

On Friday there will be a math test covering everything we have done in Unit 2. This revolves mainly around strategies for basic addition and subtraction and application of these skills. Some aspects of Unit 1 will be integrated as well.

The second grade team will be sending home a Unit 2 Review this week. I plan on sending ours home on Wednesday. This can be worked on Wednesday and Thursday night for homework in preparation for the test on Friday.

Literacy Centers

We are working hard in our literacy centers. We are working on our phonics skills, grammar skills, reading skills, and writing skills.

Below is a picture of Archer working a verb sort during centers.

Here is a picture of one of our Word Work centers. Spencer was sorting laminated Scrabble tiles to spell spelling words with the "ch, sh, th" patterns.

Mystery Reader

Thank you Junie Kim for coming to read on Thursday!

Literacy Training

I will be out on Monday and Tuesday for a mandatory literacy training session. Your children will be with a substitute on these days. I have left a variety of activities for her to do with them to supplement what we have been doing in school. I am not sure who the substitute will be.

I left explicit directions, so I am hoping the day goes smoothly. She is to send home the homework planner and homework. Please let me know if this does not happen. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Noun/Verb Test

I am moving the noun and verb test until Friday.
I am not going to send home a review for this test. We will review in class, which should suffice. I am going to look for some websites that might help if you want to use them at home to review.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Astronomers at Work

Today we did a science experiment. The question we aimed to answer is "Why can we stars at night, but we cannot see them well during the day?" The goal was to see that when the lights are on (sunlight), it is harder to see any stars because the sunlight is so bright. When we turned the lights off (night time), it was easier to see the stars because the sun's brightness was gone.

We shined flashlights into styrofoam cups with holes punched in them (to look like stars), onto a black sheet of paper, both with the lights on and off.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

This Week


-This week we will begin our "Fundations" phonics program. Spelling words will be on the homework planner. Please help your child study because they will be tested on Fridays.
-Visualization is the current comprehension strategy that we are using. The students are working on making "pictures in their head" of what they are reading. This is important as they get into picture-free chapter books.
-We are working on verbs, and we will move onto types of sentences soon.
-On THURSDAY I am giving a Noun/Verb assessment. I will be sending a review home on Monday or Tuesday to help you help your child. This is something we have been working on ALL year so they should be fine.
-We are going to work more on paragraph writing and friendly letters.

-We will be working on different concepts this week that are related to basic addition and subtraction.
1. Name Collection Boxes- Numbers can be named or shown in different ways. We can show the number 8 by showing eight tally marks, 4+4, 10-2, four dots, etc.
2. Frame and arrow routines - Numbers follow a sequence based on a rule
3. Function machines- Students will be able to follow a "rule" to find missing numbers in a number pair
4. Centers - We will do centers on Friday to catch up on skills we have worked on in Unit 2

-Sun, Moon and Stars is our current unit. Last week we learned that stars are really just balls of hot gas in the sky. We learned that the sun is not the biggest star in the sky, but it is a medium sized star. We learned it is the closest star to Earth and very bright, and that is why we can see it during the day. We learned the three attributes that make stars different are distance from Earth, brightness, and size.
-On Friday High Touch High Tech came for an in-class field trip to supplement this content.
-This week we will do an experiment to see why we see stars at night and not during the day.
-We will be learning about constellations and what causes day and night.

Yom Kippur
-I will be out on Wednesday to observe Yom Kippur. Beth Brown will be the sub.

New Schedule Update

I hope everyone had a good weekend.

As far as we have been told, the new schedule will not start until October 1. Everything will remain as normal until then.

Goodnight, Go Dawgs, and Happy Emmy watching!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fact Triangles

Today we practiced addition and subtraction facts using fact triangles. Fact triangles have three numbers that make up a fact family. You can make two addition and two subtraction problems from most fact families.

Here is a photo of Archer and Bailey practicing together.

Mystery Reader September 20

Thank you Colleen Ward for being our Mystery Reader today!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Social Studies Jeopardy

This is the link to the Jeopardy review game we played in class today. I think they should be able to use this at home without a problem.

Also please let your children use the link on the previous post with the online flashcards!

These are FUN ways to get your kid to study :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Social Studies Test

On Wednesday we will be having our first social studies test. This test covers Unit 1 - Early Georgia.
I am hoping the substitute sent home the review today. I instructed her to complete it one by one with the class to ensure it was filled out with correct answers, and I requested to have it sent home in their MOOSE binders.

In addition to the review, here are some online flashcards that your child can use to study vocabulary words.
You should click the box that says "both sides" to change them to one-sided so you only see the word OR the definition. Then to flip the card, you click the card.

I will see everyone tomorrow.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Jewish Holidays

Hello everyone!

I will be out on Monday, September 17 and Wednesday, September 26 for the Jewish High Holy Days.

The wonderful substitute who was with them for my workshop will be with them.

Today I read the kids a book called On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I wanted the children to understand why I will be out of school on Monday. The book discusses the holidays, why we have them, and what we do.

We then discussed how we all have different cultures, religions, and traditions. We had a conversation about how it is wonderful that we all have different holidays and things that we do, and we made sure we understood we can be respectful of everyone's cultures.

Just wanted to let you know we read this book- obviously is no sort of a religious push - just want the kids to understand the reason I will not be with them on Monday. The more we teach children about all different cultures, the more they will understand and be accepting of all people :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Upcoming Quiz and Test

Heads up-Next week we will have a quiz and a test.

The quiz will be on Wednesday. It will be on action verbs and linking verbs. It will be a small assessment to measure knowledge before we continue our study of verbs.

The test will also be on Wednesday. This will be on Unit 1 for Social Studies. It will cover the Creek/Cherokee tribes, Sequoyah, Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi, James Oglethorpe, and the early years of Georgia. They will fill out a review sheet on Monday with the substitute (I will be out Monday for Rosh Hashanah), we will play a review game in class on Tuesday, and we will assess Wednesday. I am having the substitute send a review home Monday.

Pajama Day and Movie Day

Just a reminder! Tomorrow is our PAJAMA DAY, as one of our Boosterthon incentives. Please allow your child to dress in pajamas, but they must still wear sneakers for P.E.

They reached their top goal, so I had promised them a Movie Day. I will let them watch a movie and have a treat at the end of the day as their reward for reaching their top goal!

I hope they are having a great day with our substitute, as I am at a workshop. I miss them!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This Week at a Glance


1.We will be working on verbs this week. We will begin with action verbs and move into linking verbs.
2.Centers and Guided Reading are going underway in full force this week. The students will be rotating in centers throughout the week. I will begin to meet with guided reading groups this week as well.
3.Writing- We are continuing to practice writing paragraphs. Writing will also be incorported into centers this week in the form of friendly letter writing.

1. We will be working on strategies for basic addition facts this week. We will practice strategies for doubles facts (where both addends are the same) and turn around facts (where the addends are reversable..i.e. 4+2=6 is the same thing as 2+4=6).  We will be talking about the +9 shortcut as well. This is pretend you are just adding 10 instead of 9, and then take 1 away from the sum.

Social Studies
1. During the beginning of the week we will learn about Mary Musgrove. During the rest of the week the kids will pick activities to do on a Tic-Tac-Toe choice board. A choice board allows the students to pick their activities to demonstrate their knowledge, but with some control. They all must complete the center square, but they can pick two other activities that make "three in a row" with the center square.

Important Notes
1. Do not forget that WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 is Picture Day. Please have your child looking spic and span!
2.On THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13 I will not be at school. APS new teachers will be at a workshop. They will be with a substitute that day.
3. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 will be Pajama Day as a reward for Boosterthon. I will remind you and the kids later in the week.

Class Party

Thank you to everyone who came and contributed to the class party tonight. It is always great to see the kids playing together outside of class!

Thank you to Eve and Thayne Conrad for opening your home to our class.

Friday, September 7, 2012

We are the Champions My Friend!

We are the 2nd grade door decorating winners!! The class is SO excited!

Thank you SO much to everyone for helping your child create their car for the door.

A HUGE thank you to the moms who helped transform our door for Boosterthon! Michelle Constantinides, Angie Winckler, Elizabeth Lietz and Chrissy Prescott. If I forgot anyone, please please let me know!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fun Run And Mystery Reader

Our class had a great time at the Fun Run today! Everybody did their best and had great attitudes!

Thank you to Eve Conrad for being our Mystery Reader today!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Treaty Has Been Signed!

In Social Studies, we are still learning about important people in Early Georgia. We are currently learning about Tomochichi, the Yamacraw Native American who formed an alliance with James Oglethorpe.

Today we talked about the word "treaty" and what it means. We learned that James Oglethorpe and Tomochichi signed a treaty agreeing to peace between the English and the Yamacraw.

To really understand what a treaty is, we created our own treaty today. Half of the class was the Yamacraw tribe and the other half were English settlers. Each group came up with conditions they wanted, and we reconvened to decide what we wanted to put in our very own treaty.

This activity really fostered taking turns speaking, working in groups, and higher order thinking. They had to work hard to think of things either the Yamacraw or English would find important in a treaty.

Here are the groups working on their "wants" for the treaty!

Tonight's Homework

Tonight's ELA homework is a sentence vs. fragement sheet instead of the originally planned verb sheet. I felt it fit what we did today better.

Do not worry about the Tomochichi graphic organizer listed on the homework sheet. We are doing something differently in class.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Computer Problems and Boosterthon

Good evening!

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up and let you know that my school laptop got a virus, and I cannot use it right now until Client Support comes to hopefully fix it. If I do not respond to an e-mail as quickly as usual, I just wanted to let you know that the reason is my computer is out of commission! Hopefully this will be fixed really soon so I can be in better contact and so we can use the Promethean board again!

Reminder - Boosterthon Fun Run is on Thursday. Second grade goes I believe at 1:05. If your child still needs a smaller tee shirt, I have plenty still that I got from the Boosterthon people. Please just have them bring back the big one and I will exchange it out for them.

Spelling- We are still waiting on our spelling program to arrive. Stay tuned!

AR- I brought home all the AR stuff tonight, so I am going to get individual AR info sent to you for Home Connect.

Homework- Just a reminder that for anything in Home Links for math you and your child should tear it out of the book and then they can turn it in the next day :)

I think that is all as of now! Thanks!