Friday, September 14, 2012

Jewish Holidays

Hello everyone!

I will be out on Monday, September 17 and Wednesday, September 26 for the Jewish High Holy Days.

The wonderful substitute who was with them for my workshop will be with them.

Today I read the kids a book called On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. I wanted the children to understand why I will be out of school on Monday. The book discusses the holidays, why we have them, and what we do.

We then discussed how we all have different cultures, religions, and traditions. We had a conversation about how it is wonderful that we all have different holidays and things that we do, and we made sure we understood we can be respectful of everyone's cultures.

Just wanted to let you know we read this book- obviously is no sort of a religious push - just want the kids to understand the reason I will not be with them on Monday. The more we teach children about all different cultures, the more they will understand and be accepting of all people :)

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