Sunday, September 23, 2012

This Week


-This week we will begin our "Fundations" phonics program. Spelling words will be on the homework planner. Please help your child study because they will be tested on Fridays.
-Visualization is the current comprehension strategy that we are using. The students are working on making "pictures in their head" of what they are reading. This is important as they get into picture-free chapter books.
-We are working on verbs, and we will move onto types of sentences soon.
-On THURSDAY I am giving a Noun/Verb assessment. I will be sending a review home on Monday or Tuesday to help you help your child. This is something we have been working on ALL year so they should be fine.
-We are going to work more on paragraph writing and friendly letters.

-We will be working on different concepts this week that are related to basic addition and subtraction.
1. Name Collection Boxes- Numbers can be named or shown in different ways. We can show the number 8 by showing eight tally marks, 4+4, 10-2, four dots, etc.
2. Frame and arrow routines - Numbers follow a sequence based on a rule
3. Function machines- Students will be able to follow a "rule" to find missing numbers in a number pair
4. Centers - We will do centers on Friday to catch up on skills we have worked on in Unit 2

-Sun, Moon and Stars is our current unit. Last week we learned that stars are really just balls of hot gas in the sky. We learned that the sun is not the biggest star in the sky, but it is a medium sized star. We learned it is the closest star to Earth and very bright, and that is why we can see it during the day. We learned the three attributes that make stars different are distance from Earth, brightness, and size.
-On Friday High Touch High Tech came for an in-class field trip to supplement this content.
-This week we will do an experiment to see why we see stars at night and not during the day.
-We will be learning about constellations and what causes day and night.

Yom Kippur
-I will be out on Wednesday to observe Yom Kippur. Beth Brown will be the sub.

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