Friday, October 19, 2012

Room 206 Weekly Updates

We had a great week learning in room 206! Here is what is on tap for next week.

Our spelling focus next week is glued sounds such as ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk.
We started talking about "Bossy R" vowels this week and will continue next week. A "Bossy R" vowel is when the letter r comes after a vowel, and it controls the way the vowel sounds.

Here are some examples for Bossy R that we learned this week:

We will learn the sounds for /ir/, /ur/, /er/ next week.


We are going to continue our study of adjectives next week. I hope you enjoyed the pictures from our adjective face-in-a-hole project this week.
Next week we will be investigating fall gourds/vegetables and using adjectives to describe them.
We will brainstorm adjectives that describe "Fall" to connect with our current season and our science curriculum.
We will also connect to science by writing a five line poem about any of the seasons. Each line will use a different sense to incorporate using senses and visualization.


Next week will focus on telling time. We will use hands-on clocks that we can manipulate to help us understand the functions of the minute and hour hands. We will create clock booklets and work in small groups with the teacher for extra support.
We will also spiral back to base-10 by doing a building numbers activity using place-value mats and number cards.


We are wrapping up our unit on the sun, moon, and stars next week. On Monday and Tuesday they will use choice boards to pick in-class projects to work on to show their understanding of the content.
On Wednesday we will play a review game in class, and on Thursday we will take a test to assess this unit.

Field Trip

Friday we will be going as a grade-level to the Center for Puppetry Arts to see the puppet show The Headless Horseman. I will be contacting you if your child has not turned in a permission slip yet.
Heather Regnault will serve as a chaperone. Thank you Heather!


Please continue to encourage your child to be reading AR books to reach their goals.

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