Sunday, October 28, 2012

Room 206 Weekly Updates

We are continuing our study of glued sounds in phonics. We will be learning the -ild,-ind, -olt, -ost,
-old sounds and spelling patterns.

We are continuing to work on adjectives this week. We will learn about comparative and superlative adjectives. We will do Smart Board lessons on these, and adjectives will be imbedded into literacy centers.

This week we will begin our study of story elements. We will do an overview of all of them: characters, setting, plot, problem, solution, theme.
Our focus this week will be characters. We are going to learn how to identify main characters and character traits.

Our current chapter book read-aloud is The BFG by Roald Dahl. This is the third Roald Dahl book we have read this year as part of a Roald Dahl author study. Last week we learned a bit about the author's life.

The math objectives this week are being able to count back change and work with two-rule frame and arrow problems.
We will learn to count back change in the following way: The pencil costs 67 cents and I pay with three quarters. How much change will I get back?
Students will count up using the least amount of change starting with how much the item costs until they reach the amount paid.
For this I would count up from 67 cents with 3 pennies to reach 70 cents, and then use a nickel to reach 75 cents. My change would then be 8 cents.
This is a good way to practice at home. Subtracting cost from amount paid is not developmentally appropriate to figure out the amount of change, as many 2nd graders cannot subtract 2 digit numbers in their heads or on paper.

Social Studies
We will begin the unit called "Exploring Georgia". This week we will learn about where we live: community, city, state, country, continent, world.
We will work on our map skills by learning to use a map key.
We are giving a social studies homework assignment that is due on Friday. I will send home the blank foldable for your child to use.
Directions are on the homework planner, but I will put more detailed guidelines on the blog tomorrow.

Please continue to check the blog for class information and announcements.
Please make sure you are reading your child's homework planner and signing the reading log portion to turn in on Friday.

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