Good evening everyone!
Week two is underway, and I am still so glad to be at Morningside! What a wonderful school to work at!
Thank you for your patience so far this year. Being a new teacher is a lot about learning what works for me in my classroom and what does not. Therefore, I am going to be making a couple of changes for things that I think I need to change!
1. MOOSE binders are new to me. I am used to sending home everything once a week. Unless something is very important, I will start sending home important papers and student work home on Thursdays in the binder instead of everyday. Otherwise, it becomes very cumbersome at the end of the day to pass out papers.
2. Behavior Calendars -
Theoretically, I would love to have the kids shade in their behavior color everyday on a calendar like they did today. Realistically, at the end of the day it is very difficult to make sure they all fill their calendar in, for me to check to make sure they filled in the correct color, and to write a note for anyone who was not on green or blue.
Here is what I want to do instead - I want to send home once a week (on Thursdays) a behavior checklist specifying different behaviors and space to make notes if needed. It will go home in MOOSE binders on Thursdays, and you will sign and return on Friday.
3. Needs for the classroom:
-candy for estimation station
-construction paper (long and short)
-Avery labels!!!!!
For everyone who has donated to our room- THANK YOU!!! Typically I would write a thank you note to each individual, but the first couple weeks have been hectic! Please know I appreciate every donation of every kind greatly.
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