Monday, August 13, 2012


Here are a few updates for today

1. Homework Planner was given out today. This is a planner all of 2nd grade uses. Students should do the place value homework tonight and return it tomorrow. They should be reading 20 minutes a night AT LEAST. Please initial planner at end of week for this and send it in on Friday.

2. Please return Clinic Cards ASAP so I can return them to Nurse Petty.

3. EAR BUDS - If you could please send ear buds this week at some point with your child that would be great. Please put them in a ziploc with their name. They will need these in the near future for listening center on the computers.

4. Transportation- Please confirm with your child in the morning how they are getting home. There have been instances where children do not know in the morning how they are going home, and the information you filled out at meet and greet differs from how they end up being told to go home. I will send out a list tomorrow of what info I have for transportation for you to confirm.

5. Snack - Please do not send a snack that will make a mess on the desks (i.e. fruit cups, fruit that squishes easily or juices.) Granola bars, etc. are usually great options.


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