We had a great first day at school. Here are some of the things we did today!
We discussed and practiced procedures quite a lot today. We practiced lining up in a proper line and how to walk nicely in the hall. We discussed proper ways to get my attention, learned about classroom jobs (which will start next week), our behavior stoplight system, how to turn in papers, etc. We will be practicing this ALL week!
We read a book called Have You Filled a Bucket Today. Ask your child about ways they can FILL or DIP INTO a bucket. This book emphasizes treating people kindly and making good choices.
We also did a timed addition and subtraction fact assessment. I cannot emphasize enough how IMPORTANT it is to practice these basic facts at home. They are critical building blocks to everything else your child will do. I suggest practicing at least every other night using flash cards or a timed test that you can print.
I know some of you are curious about LUNCH time in case you choose to visit your child. Lunch is 11:10-11:40 everyday.
Once again, P.E. is Wednesday and Friday. Please send your child in sneakers. Spanish is Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Tomorrow I will start sending home M.O.O.S.E. binders. These binders will have their behavior charts, graded papers, notes home, etc. Please be mindful to check these binders for papers, things you need to sign, etc. and put them back in their backpacks.
I will be sending home pencil boxes tomorrow. I apologize if your child is not fond of the idea of taking these home, but they tend to be something to play with rather than utilized appropriately.
I am so glad to have everyone in my class. I am looking forward to a great day tomorrow. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me with anything you need.
Tuesday had a great first day!