Week two is over! We have had a great week. Here are some updates on what we have been working on.
Language Arts
1. Nouns have been our focus in grammar. We have been working on what words are and are not nouns. We also have been working on knowing the difference between common and proper nouns.
2. Schema and making connections has been our focus in reading. We are currently finishing up making "text-to-self" connections. The kids understand this as connecting things in our own lives to what we are reading. My Great Aunt Arizona, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, and My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother are the books we have used to make these connections. We will be moving on to "text-to-text" connections next week.
3. We are building stamina for our read to self component of Daily 5 Reading. They are able to independently read for 30 minutes now quietly. In the middle of next week we will begin to work on read to someone. We will discuss Daily 5 and how it works at Back to School Night
Everyday Math is the program used at Morningside. You may be familiar with it from years past. It is a program in which you are not always working on just one concept for a period on time. Ideas spiral and build. So far, ideas we have touched are counting coins, counting dollar bills, sequences/number lines, telling time, calendars, and basic facts.
We work on place value, calendar skills, and graphing every day during calendar. We work on tally marks with our table races and at the end of the week.
Social Studies
This week we studied about the Creek and Cherokee tribes. We read in our social studies big book, learned about Venn diagrams to compare and contrast their culture and our culture today, made posters about the tribes, and took a quiz today. Next week we will study about Sequoyah, who created the Cherokee written language.
In other news...
Estimation Station Winner: Jia Kim
Moved Three Spaces in Around the World: Archer Streelman, Jia Kim
Table Race Winners: The Lightning Bolt Table (Carter Hartman, Bailey Prescott, Kyle Palickar, Luke Milam, Mollie Meador, Archer Streelman
Back to School Night- August 21st at 6:00 PM
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