Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekly Update!

Today is a much better day than yesterday in room 206. I think missing a special yesterday threw us for a loop, as well as some germs going around giving many of us headaches and sore throats. The kids are encouraged to use the hand sanitizer placed on the sink often!!!

-On Monday we will start doing math homework out of the Home Links book that was sent home. Everyone should have this at home. Please let me know if you do not.
-We have been working on skills this week such as greater than/less than, skip counting, and number grid patterns.
-There will be an assessment on Friday covering unit one. A review will go home on Monday to help your kids study. The nightly homework should be of help as well.

-We are still working on schema in reading. We are currently up to making "text to text" connections. We made connections between Amazing Grace and Oliver Button is a Sissy. Both books dealt with themes of bullying and special talents that made the kids "different". We also connected Chrysanthemum and Julius, Baby of the World by Jeff Henkes.
-We are continuing our work on nouns. By now, we are feeling confident in knowing the difference between common and proper nouns. Next week we will work on plural nouns and do a small quiz on Friday to see how we are doing with nouns!
-This week in writing we practiced how a paragraph in our journals should look by copying a model I provided. The model shows putting the date, underlining a title, and indenting our paragraphs. It also showed them how we must capitalize the beginnings of sentences and use punctuation. Next week, they will complete a graphic organizer on how to write a paragraph and begin writing their own paragraphs in their journals.
-We began the "Read to Someone" component of Daily 5. Ask your kids about "EEEK" and the "Five Finger Rule" for a right fit book!
-AR levels will be given out on Monday. We will work on this throughout the week.

Social Studies
-Our topic in Social Studies has been Sequoyah. The students have learned about his  contributions to the Cherokee tribe. He improved communication by creating the tribe's written language. These are the vocabulary words they should know. We have made our very own written languages which are on display in the hall. Yesterday, we learned about how Sequoyah exhibited patience. We made a text-to-self connection by writing about a time when we each showed patience.
-A small quiz will be given on Sequoyah probably on Tuesday.

SNACK REMINDER - Please do not pack your child's snack in the lunchbox. It is difficult for me to monitor to make sure everyone is eating their snack and not part of their lunch. Please see the Healthy Food Guideline that went home yesterday.

BEHAVIOR UPDATES AND READING LOGS - These must be signed and returned every Friday :)

Have a wonderful weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been putting Tuesday's snack in the outside pocket of her lunchbox. Is that ok?
